
Skin Cancer Specialist

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Skin Cancer services offered in Fayetteville, Griffin and Zebulon, GA

Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer, and it can become life-threatening when left undetected or untreated. At Fayette Area Dermatology in Fayetteville, Griffin, and Zebulon, Georgia, James Sandwich, MD, MPH, Laura Bush, DMSc, PA-C, and the experienced team diagnose and remove skin cancer to reduce the risk of complications. Call the Fayette Area Dermatology office to learn more or book an appointment online today.

Skin Cancer Q&A

What is skin cancer?

Skin cancer includes abnormal skin tissues that develop because of sun exposure or genetics. Squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, and melanoma are common forms of skin cancer. 

Melanoma is the most dangerous. Early detection and treatment of skin cancer is the best way to reduce your risk of life-threatening complications.

What are common symptoms of skin cancer?

Common symptoms you may notice because of skin cancer include:

  • Mole that changes in appearance
  • Waxy or pearly bump
  • Scar-like lesion
  • Brown, black, red, or flesh-colored mole
  • Scabbing or bleeding sore
  • Crusted lesion
  • Painful lesion that burns or itches
  • Mole with irregular borders
  • Firm red nodule
  • Large brown spot with dark specks
  • Dark-colored lesion

See the Fayette Area Dermatology team at the first sign of new, changing, or usual skin lesions. Your dermatologist can remove moles or other skin growths even if they aren’t cancerous.

What are the risk factors for skin cancer?

Risk factors for developing skin cancer include:

  • History of sunburns
  • Having fair skin
  • Excessive sun exposure
  • Having many moles
  • Weakened immune system
  • Radiation or chemical exposure
  • Family or personal history of skin cancer
  • Living in a sunny climate

To reduce your chance of developing skin cancer, protect your skin from the sun by using protective clothing or sunscreen. Check your skin regularly and call the experts at Fayette Area Dermatology if you notice a potential problem. Early detection of skin cancer is important.

How does my doctor diagnose skin cancer?

To diagnose skin cancer, the Fayette Area Dermatology team reviews your lifestyle habits, symptoms, and medical history. They examine suspicious lesions and might take a biopsy (skin sample) for lab analysis to detect or rule out cancer. Your provider may remove an entire lesion before sending it to a lab for analysis.

How is skin cancer treated?

Prevention and early detection are crucial to reducing the risk of serious forms of skin cancer. Your skin cancer treatment plan could include:

  • Excisional surgery
  • Cryotherapy (freezing)
  • Electrodesiccation using an electric needle
  • Mohs surgery

The dermatologists at Fayette Area Dermatology are Mohs surgeons, meaning they’re highly trained in removing cancerous tissues layer by layer and assessing them under a microscope to make sure all of the cancer is eliminated.

If skin cancer has advanced, you might need radiation therapy, chemotherapy, biological therapy, or laser treatment.

At the first sign of skin cancer, call the Fayette Area Dermatology office or schedule an appointment online today.